Saturday, November 24, 2018

Life begins at 42!

Hello, and welcome along to my brand new blog, all about my journey with Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service.

This blog will take you through my whole journey from the moment I clicked the ‘enter’ button to apply online, right up to present day. Because of the nature of some elements, privacy, policies etc. this blog is checked thoroughly by the powers that be at DSFRS so there may be a few details missing, but the basics are all here, everything you ever wanted to know about joining the Fire and Rescue Service.

My journey with the Fire Service actually started a long time ago, way back in 2000 when I was living in Surrey. I used to work as a Grounds Maintenance contractor and one of my jobs was to do the grounds at Surrey Fire and Rescue HQ in Reigate.
I loved working there, I used to watch the training and pass out parades, made friends with some of the staff there, I even used to do Kickboxing with one of the whole-time Firefighters, Alex, who eventually convinced me to apply.
My fitness levels back in those days was nothing like it is today, although I was physically active in my job, I ran and did Kickboxing, but it took me several attempts to pass the bleep test, I actually think it was four attempts! When I finally passed that stage, I told my employers what I was doing and it seemed that they didn’t want to lose me. They offered me a promotion and a pay rise and it was too good an offer to turn down, so I never joined Surrey Fire and Rescue.
In 2016, I decided that even though I had a rewarding job as a self-employed personal trainers and fitness instructor, I needed a little more in my life, something rewarding and with meaning. In February 2017, after being medically discharged from the Army due to having Raynaud’s Syndrome (cold fingers) I decided that I needed to finally complete my journey with the Fire Service, and Totnes Station were recruiting.

The adventure finally begins.
On 12th April 2017 I went on the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue (DSFRS) website and clicked the button to submit my application.
Things moved fast from then and on May 6th 2017 I went to DSFRS Headquarters in Exeter for my written assessment. This has since been replaced with online assessments, much more accessible for everyone to do in their own time.
Being over 40 years old, you can imagine that it’s been many years since I was at school, doing exams, although I did go through my Personal Training qualification back in 2011, but I was, understandably nervous. I wasn’t the only one though looking at the faces of the others in the room, we all looked petrified! I met three guys that day that would be a big part of my journey, Ryan, Bill and Mark.
I am often trying to recruit for our station, and the one thing that people say to me is, ‘I don’t think I’m intelligent enough to pass the tests!’
Well, here are the facts – DSFRS send you practice papers, so that you can get an idea of what is expected on the day, there are no shocks, no one is trying to catch you out. You get plenty of time to answer the papers and if I can pass them, I think most people stand a fair chance. The first hurdle was over, I passed the written assessments and the next step was the fitness test.
In early May I suffered from Salmonella poisoning, I had  a few weeks of not training, I had lost weight and was worried about taking on the test at that point in time.

Fitness is my business!
On May 20th 2017, I headed up to Middlemoor, just as nervous as I was for the written assessment, and I sat in the van, after arriving way too early!
After a short while I was approached by a lovely lady, who I would come to know well, and proved to be a big support through my recruitment process, Caroline. I wound down the window and we chatted, she put me at ease and I felt a lot more confident by the time I had met up with the others.
It was a hot day, I remember it so well, we all sat in a classroom getting ourselves worked up, drinking water and taking many trips to the toilet! So, I had failed this stage many times back in Surrey, and, being in the fitness industry, if I failed this, I would have to get a new job! We all filed outside, my nemesis was first – the bleep test!
If you are thinking of joining the Fire Service, it may be worth your while getting hold of a copy of the bleep test and practising before the day. Some personal trainers can do this with you and I thoroughly advise it, if you have never done one before. It’s tough, I kept pace with two tall guys either side of me and seemingly smashed it! First obstacle was over and we headed into the appliance bay to get kitted up for the rest of the tests.
I know that my Mum had visions of me in oversized boots running about, but we all found kit that fitted us and we started to get warm, this was our first time wearing fire PPE and I , think we all got a buzz out of it! All the gear and no idea!
I won’t go into too much detail on the rest of the tests, but they are all designed around the job itself in terms of strength, awareness, safety and endurance. The ladder lift was probably the hardest bit for me, but I dug in, made a lot of noise and passed it. More strength training in the gym was then added to my own training list that day, and I am so glad I did, as it helped me through the rest of my courses.
A couple of the tests I did with Ryan, who will feature more and more through this blog, he’s a top bloke and now a brilliant Firefighter in development.

How to pass an interview, be honest.
The day of my interview was here, 14th July 2017, it just happened to fall on my Mum’s Birthday, had to be an omen of sorts surely?
I had no idea what to wear, as I hadn’t had an interview for anything since 2000, when I got the Grounds Maintenance promotion. It seem so far, every step of the way I have been nervous about. I guess that’s natural because it means that you really want it, that you care.
I was met by Roger Williams, who I then found out was to be my Station Manager at Totnes. He wasn’t allowed to interview me, but encouraged me to start coming to drill nights and prepare for the next stages.
I was left outside the interview room, for what seemed like hours! I tidied and arranged the leaflets in the stand in the hallway into alphabetical order, paced about, and generally worried myself into a panic. There was no need, however.
The interview is all about your personal qualities and attributes, and how they can be used and channeled in a positive way within the coming role of Firefighter. Being on the upper age scale, I had had lots of jobs and work experience to talk about, but it’s quite a task ‘bigging up’ yourself in front of two strangers and I really didn’t know how I had done after leaving the interview. You know, of course, that I passed, otherwise this would have been a very short blog….I guess this blog is like reading a book that you’ve already read the last page of! (I don’t do that by the way my Mum does sometimes though!)

Personal Trainer takes on a medical.
Time is flying fast in the progress to become a recruit, and on August 9th 2017 I drove to Exeter to attend my medical examination and fitness test. The fitness test was a treadmill lung-function test, and for once I was feeling confident in the outcome.
The doctor was great, very matter of fact, and told me that my eyesight and hearing were good for ‘someone my age’ which made me laugh, but apparently eyes and hearing start to slide downhill from age 35, so at 42 having perfect vision is a good thing to have.
The treadmill test was great, no issues and all other health-related scores were spot on. Seems that I am doing things right. I left the building on a little fluffy cloud of satisfaction, this final stage was over, and induction into the Service was next on the list.

Thursday 12th October 2017.
The day had arrived; I rushed back from taking my Kickboxing class to get to the Fire Station early to get changed into my new uniform. I just about made it in time, and when we made the line up at the start of drills, my name, Firefighter Miller-Wright was called out. To hear that, although I hadn’t even done any training as yet, made me feel proud. I knew that the journey would be hard from now onwards, but I have always been someone that sets out to do something, and does it, even if it has taken me 18 years to complete this particular journey!
That evening I signed what seemed like endless forms, got my pool kit (Fire kit PPE) and was issued with my allerter. My head was full of information, my hands full of uniform and my face full of smile.
It was now a waiting game to see when my recruits course would be, I had a lot to organise before that as I had to find my dogs a place to stay whilst I was away, organise my work so my clients didn’t lose out too much, and generally get my head into learning gear again.
So far, the time from clicking that button on my computer, to now, was exactly 6 months.


  1. Debs. Awesome post hun. You are an amazing person x

  2. Really enjoyed reading that & I remember the process well. Wow how far we have all come. Can't wait to read more. Ryan x

    1. Thanks Ryan, wouldn't have been such a good journey without you guys! x

  3. Brilliant read, I can't wait for the rest!

  4. Debbie this is so inspiring! I wish I had one tenth the drive you do. I am so very happy for you and I do look forward to hearing more of your story. this is all very cool. You are a rock star!!!

    1. Ah thanks Cheryl, so glad my story has spread to the US x

  5. Great start, really interesting. Well done.

  6. Hi Debbie.
    I share a similar story. Started working for Kent in 2009 in their IT department. Got approached around 2011 to join my local station. Time in my life was all wrong but the seed was planted. Things improved and by the end of 2016 had applied for my local station in Rainham. Testing was done around March 2017 and a long wait for a recruit course later the same year. Now completed my 12 month assessments and into year 2 with my diamonds. Absolutely loving it. Such a rewarding career, albeit evenings and weekends. I still work in IT by day for KFRS, for the best boss. Even one of my colleagues recently joined his local station due to following my journey.
    Proves that although I'm often at least 10 years senior to others on my station and courses, you can do anything you put your mind to.

    Alan, aged 48 and a half.

  7. Wow congratulations. What an achievement.
