Friday, February 28, 2020

The end of the journey.


The thing about a journey is, that it has to end at some point.

You can plan a journey as much as you like, but along the way the scenery changes, there are unexpected stops, breakdowns and occasional disasters!

My journey with Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, as you may have read the first year of, has been amazing. I have thoroughly enjoyed it, I’ve made the best kind of friends. The tough times have been ‘character building’ and I can take away from it a lot more in the way of life skills, and many happy and hilarious memories.

Why has my journey come to an end so abruptly?
I guess, you could say that I had stupidly double-booked my seat in two carriages!
I was already on one journey, with my main employment, my very own business, Fighting Fit Devon. I have spent nearly 9-years building up my business from nothing, to what it is now.
And when you have something so important, my, first class ticket, you can’t keep changing carriages.
I tried, it didn’t work.

Being on call, there are some jobs that work, even self-employment, sadly, personal training isn’t one of them, unless you only have a small client base.

I will be exiting my DSFRS carriage on Saturday 29th February, taking with me, great memories, new skills, special friends, and a feeling of pride, that I was part of something important and special, even if it was only for 2 years and 4 months!

I would urge you, if you are reading this blog, considering becoming an on call firefighter, that you think about all aspects and make sure you get your priorities right. I know that I took a gamble, and sadly it didn’t pay off.

Good luck all.
Happy Firefighting!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had to leave a job you obviously loved doing wee pal.
